accelbi NASPO Value-added Reseller
Contract # CTR059973
accelbi is proud to hold a NASPO Value Point contract for Software Value-Added Reseller (SVAR) Services. Through this contract, ‘accel bi’ offers a 50+ Software Publishers range of software solutions, licenses, and services to authorized Public Sector entities in the United States.
Your modernization initiative, NASPO contract, and accel bi’s SiaaS approach are winning combinations we call “Modern SVAR.”
‘accel bi’ is an ISO9001, ISO27001 certified national System Integrator and trusted technology partner to public sector agencies.
‘accel bi’ leverages its strategic, scientific, and innovation expertise to help government agencies, counties, local municipalities, and education entities to gain a competitive advantage, drive positive business impact, and monetize their new solution adoption.
Through this contract, accel bi ambassadors are committed to offering on-premises, SaaS, cloud, and Hybrid solutions through our Simplified Integration As A Service [SiaaS]SM registered service mark.